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I was determined to learn how to code. I would watch endless videos on Youtube and spend so much time on Visual Studio Code trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Coding is so frustrating, especially at the beginning of my learning process, it use to stress me out so much.
I would see people on Twitter talk about doing internships and I thought to myself, I can do it too. I can learn how to code and get an internship and be part of those conversations. I wanted to do an internship and get the full experience. I joined a program called Year Up, I was part of the software development track. After 6 months of intense learning, I got the opportunity to intern at Expedia Group.


This was my first Python class and it was fun and stressful at the same time. I was also taking a Java class and three other classes. I was very stressed because this was at the beginning of the pandemic.  There were times that I wanted to give up because I felt overwhelmed, but I knew that If I stayed consistent and studied the materials eventually I will get the hang of it. The Year Up program was a lot, they expected so much from the students and held all of us to very high standards. I am forever grateful for taking a chance on myself. I was awarded profession of the week and got on the Dean's list that quarter. 


I was very proud of myself for being able to code this game, it was definitely my proudest moment and made everything worth it. I went to my teacher's office hours and asked him countless questions because at first I was having so many errors and it was getting to me. Pulled so many all-nighters and was able to get full points and both my games run effortlessly.

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Attempting to code this and adding all the stripes and stars was confusing at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was fun to learn how to code the American Flag.

Check out more of my JavaScript code

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