I recently started learning how to draw as a hobby. I would normally listen to music as a coping mechanism to express my emotions, as a Muslim, during Ramadan, we can't listen to music so I started to draw simple things. Then after my drawings, I would use photoshop to showcase what the drawing means to me by adding effects. It is very difficult to become really good at drawing so I am thinking about learning how to do it digitally. These drawings means a lot to me because all thought my skills aren't where I want them to be, I am still proud of and having so much fun knowing that if I keep up, my skills will start to improve.

In my culture, it is believed that girls are meant to be housewives. From a young age, I was taught how to become a "wife" and cater to men. Some of my family members think that I wasting my time going to school, and I should get married while I am still young and have kids.
I drew this set of books floating in the sky because I believe that sky is the limit for me. Getting an education and becoming successful is my key goal in life. My goal in the future is to open up a stem school in Ethiopia and give young girls the opportunity to write their own stories.
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I drew this picture after having a conversation with my sister about the France’s niqab ban and how it violates human rights.

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The Odda tree is a big part of my culture. The Odda tree represents democracy, in my tribe, the elders from each sub tribe would come under this tree and have a meeting. This tree is very sacred and everyone sitting under this tree gets a say.
When I was a child in Kenya, we would go under this tress with my friends and act like we are holding important meetings and it was such a happy moment from my childhood.
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